Happy “Tooth-Day”! Farah Flossit here,…I hope everyone had a blessed weekend with family & friends!
For those that did not know, APRIL is Autism Awareness Month! The Casa Smiles Family http://www.casasmiles.com/pediatric-dentistry/ not only supports & welcomes children with Autism, but we take a lot of pride in providing the best services to all children; typical or with any special needs. Today I would like to encourage everyone you know to try to become aware of what Autism is & how your awareness can make a big difference (visit https://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism/facts-about-autism?gclid=CMHv-s6t5MQCFdgNgQod66QA1A to learn more).
“If you have met one child or person with Autism, you have only met one child or person with Autism”! Every person with Autism is completely different from the next; there are no 2 alike. This is why it takes some very special people, like our Dentists here at Casa Smiles http://www.casasmiles.com/about-us/dr-abreu-hernandez-dmd/, to offer something as important as “dental health” to a community that is often misunderstood.
There is usually a great amount of anxiety involved for parents & children when planning a visit to the dentist. For some children with Autism, oral health habits can be challenging. Often times, there are sensory challenges for patients with Autism. Some may not like how the brush feels on their gums & others may not like the sound of the suction. The reason I mention these small facts is because they may be big factors in making your dental visit a success. Moms & Dads, when you call to make your appointment, let us know how we can ease any anxieties. Schedule appointments at the patient’s “best” times of the day. If we need to accommodate having your child here when we are not so busy, we will!:)
I would like to remind parents about some things that they can do to prepare for a visit to Casa Smiles http://www.casasmiles.com/about-us/. Prior to the visit, you can try role playing, books, pictures, videos, or even some fun dental apps. Many children with Autism are very visual; showing your child a video or pictures of what they can expect will be very helpful. You can start by showing your child one of our recent posts about what to expect when visiting our office http://www.casasmiles.com/casa-smiles-fun-house/. For a visual schedule for a dentist visit go to https://www.autismspeaks.org/sites/default/files/documents/dentalguide.pdf.
Fun for Role-Playing:)
Through a grant from Delta Dental of Minnesota, “The My Healthy Smile” app was developed. It helps to teach children about good oral health & to ease anxieties around dental visits. The app offers 11 audio & visual social scripts to show children what to expect at the dentist & how to have good oral care at home. Topics include: having your teeth cleaned, taking x-rays & getting fillings, losing a tooth, brushing & healthy eating.
Great book for your little book worms!
The emphasis of your outing to see the dentist should be to have a “fun experience” & after all, we are a very “fun dental office”. The goal for a first visit should be for it to be “fun” & for the patient to become familiar with the office, the process, the Doctor, & the team members. Our hearts are big enough for all children:) Together, lets open our minds, embrace our differences, & become aware of what makes us all unique & different!
I look forward to chatting with you all next week!
In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/casasmilespediatricdentistryandorthodontics?pnref=lhc. Instagram http://instagram.com/casasmiles/, Twitter https://twitter.com/casa_smiles, Yelp http://www.yelp.com/biz/casa-smiles-pediatric-dentistry-and-orthodontics-coral-gables & Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/casasmiles/ to hear all about our daily news! You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation http://www.casasmiles.com/contact-us/.
Your Friend,
Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)