The Truth About Kissing: A Valentine’s Day Story

Valentine’s Day has long since been a holiday that revolves around that gushy-mushy stuff we call love, but once you look into a common holiday tradition- you may be shocked to learn the truth. Can kissing be a bad thing?


As great as kissing on Valentine ’s Day may be, some of those bacteria that transfer from mouth-to-mouth aren’t so great for your teeth as the kissing is for your heart.

If your partner has gum disease or peridontitis, you’re swapping some of that into your mouth with each loving smooch.

“In fact, you’re sharing around 80 million bacteria with them! The worse the bacteria in their mouth are, the worse it will affect your mouth.”- WaterTower


Upper respiratory tract infections are also spread through kisses, as are many different viruses responsible for the common cold. Meningococcal Disease is a life-threatening condition which includes meningitis, inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord which, studies show, can be spread through “deep kissing”.

Careful with your babies!

Sometimes tasting a bottle or eating something before passing it to your newborn may not be such a great idea. The bacteria that causes tooth decay is not present in the mouths of babies, so when you spread that love and tenderness, you may be introducing some bad guys into that babies mouth.


Prevention Tips While Kissing

“There are a number of things you can do to reduce the risk of passing on, or catching, an infection while kissing. You should try to:

  • Avoid kissing when you or the other person is sick.

  • Avoid kissing anyone on the lips when you, or the other person, have an active cold sore, warts or ulcers around the lips or in the mouth.

  • Maintain good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly

  • See your doctor about immunizations. Vaccines are available to prevent some infectious diseases, such as chickenpox, hepatitis B and group C meningococcal infection.”



Always consider what may be lurking just beneath the surface!

Check out our Facebook, Instagram and all of our social media sites for tips, tricks and funny things all about Oral Health!


The first month of the year is quickly ending and it’s crazy to think how fast this year is already flying by! Before the days wiz past you, make sure to take the time to teach lasting and efficient habits in easy to remember ways. Nowadays, kids learn in small spurts of information like videos and pictures that keep them entertained enough to express a valid idea. Videos like the one here, help add a visual element to learning.

Brushing and flossing aren’t just passive habits, but ones you’ll need for the rest of your life once you learn the proper way and it’s all just one piece of the hygienic puzzle.  The rest of this healthy puzzle comes from the knowledge of germs and cleanliness.

The Facts

“Germs are found all over the world, in all kinds of places. The four major types of germs are: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. They can invade plants, animals, and people, and sometimes they make us sick.”- KidsHealth

Children are naturally curious and want to touch everything in sight- the trick is to teach them about the importance of washing your hands after a long day of school, the bathroom and anytime they touch something they know to be dirty or “yucky”.

The average American child has up to 10 colds a year and children’s colds cause more doctor visits and missed school days than any other illness- All of which begin with teaching smart strategies at home.

wash hands clean germs away

Take the time to show your child how to see beyond the everyday curiosities and ask more questions about the world around them. The world may not be 100% safe, but when informed, a child can live amongst its dangers in a more safe way.

Follow us for more facts, figures and funny stuff on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Tooth Tips Tuesday!

Ready for your weekly dose of knowledge?

Did You Know?

We’re used to treating our teeth like we clean pans in the sink: scrub hard to remove dirt and grim, right? Wrong. Turns out that buying a hard bristled toothbrush over a softer bristle is not as efficient in cleaning your teeth and gums as you’d think. In fact, a harder toothbrush can damage your teeth.

Generally there are three kinds of brushes: Soft, Medium and Hard Bristles. The difference between them is really in how they are used; your brushing habits and the effectiveness in what you do determines the pros and cons of bristle type. The public often falls under the impression that a harder brush offers a deeper clean, when in reality toothpaste alone is already incredibly abrasive.

“Most dental professionals agree that a soft-bristled brush is best for removing plaque and debris from your teeth and along the gum line.”  – Colgate

Most people brush their teeth incorrectly as it is, when adding a hard brush to the equation you become more susceptible to eroding the enamel and the possible exposure of tooth root.

“When gums recede the softer, more vulnerable root of the tooth is exposed. The root is not armed with enamel and the recession of the gums will cause sensitivity and aid in decay.” –DesertRidgeDental

The more you know, the healthier you are!

Casa Smiles offers several varieties of toothbrushes for sale as you finish up a regularly scheduled visit.

Call for more information or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.