~Fun Facts, Myths & Did You Knows?~

Happy “Tooth-Day”!

Farah Flossit here, wishing everyone well on this blessed day!:)

Today I want to share a collection of fun facts & did you knows.  I’m also going to BUST some myths & give you the real facts.




*Dental Floss was first made in 1882 from silk.

*32% of Americans say their co-workers have bad breath.

*Your tongue is as unique as your fingerprint.  No 2 people  have the same tongue print.

*There are more bacteria in your mouth than people on earth.

*In an entire human lifetime, the average person produces around 100,000 gallons of saliva.

*85% of the population can CURL their tongue in a tube.

*The most common disease in the WORLD is tooth decay.

*The tongue is the fastest healing part of the body.

*Unless food is mixed with saliva, you can’t taste it.

*100 years ago, 50% of adults in North America were toothless.

*An elephant’s tooth can weigh over 6 pounds.

*A mosquito has 47 teeth.

*Giraffes only have bottom teeth.

*A snail’s mouth is no larger than the head of a pin, but can contain over 25,000 teeth.

*Tooth bristles were originally made from the hair of cows.



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MYTH:  Baby teeth aren’t important & don’t need brushing.

FACT:  Not brushing baby teeth can cause tooth decay.  Decayed baby teeth can cause pain, speech problems, and malalignment of adult teeth.  Just because baby teeth are going to “fall out” does not make them any less important.  Baby teeth help maintain the proper structure of the mouth in providing a guide for permanent teeth to move in behind them when the time comes.

MYTH:  White teeth are healthy teeth.

FACT:  Gum disease & tooth decay can hide behind white teeth.  Teeth whitening is not a treatment for tooth decay & gum problems.

MYTH:  I don’t like my smile, but I’m too old for braces.

FACT:  With new technology, even adults in their 80’s can have a great new smile.  There is always time to improve your smile.  Contact our amazing orthodontist for a complimentary consultation to know your options http://www.casasmiles.com/orthodontics/.

MYTH:  Bad breath means poor oral hygiene.

FACT:  While poor oral hygiene can cause bad breath, it can also be caused by one’s diet, medication, or a medical condition.

MYTH:  Eating more sugar means getting more cavities.

FACT:  The longer sugar sits in your teeth, the more cavities you will get.  The real danger is not brushing your teeth after eating sugary foods.

MYTH:  Headaches are mostly caused by stress.

FACT:  Most headaches are triggered by the jaw muscles from tooth clenching.  Teeth clenching is caused by an uneven bite that the dentist http://www.casasmiles.com/pediatric-dentistry/ can fix.

MYTH:  Don’t brush if your gums are bleeding.

FACT:  Gums bleed due to inflammation caused by leaving plaque on the teeth.  Brushing & flossing regularly is the only way to make gums start to heal.

Thank you for tuning in on today’s Happy “Tooth-Day’s” report!

I look forward to chatting with you all next week!

In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/casasmilespediatricdentistryandorthodontics?pnref=lhc. Instagram http://instagram.com/casasmiles/, Twitter https://twitter.com/casa_smiles, Yelp http://www.yelp.com/biz/casa-smiles-pediatric-dentistry-and-orthodontics-coral-gables & Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/casasmiles/ to hear all about our daily news!  You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation http://www.casasmiles.com/contact-us/.

Your Friend,

Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)

lifes too short