Happy “Tooth-Day”!
Farah Flossit here, wishing you well on this lovely day!
With the above message in mind, which is always on the top of the priority list, I would like to inform you all about the benefits of “going electric”! Here at Casa Smiles Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics http://www.casasmiles.com/ we recommend Sonicare for Kids (ages 4 & up). I’d like to start off by pointing out just a few facts before getting into more specific details about why Sonicare For Kids is worth considering.
It’s easy to view the mouth & oral hygiene as somehow separate from the rest of your hygiene regimen. That could be because brushing is something we do at the start & end of each day, rather than during our working & social lives. However, there are many reasons why taking good care of your teeth & gums can have a positive impact on the rest of your life. Your mouth affects the way you talk, eat & your appearance too. So it is important to educate your kiddos from an early age about this. So if you are experiencing a toothache, or tooth decay or even missing teeth, these things can affect the way you are perceived socially, professionally, spoil your enjoyment of food or even affect your sleep patterns.
The good news is oral health problems are both preventable & when caught early, treatable. Returning your teeth & gums to full health can be as simple as brushing for longer & more often, having a better diet & flossing every day. A mouth full of healthy teeth & gums can really help you enjoy life. So, Philips Sonicare is an ideal tooth brush to prevent & treat oral health problems. Philips Sonicare prevents bacteria known as plaque from growing on your teeth, prevents gingivitis & gum disease. Sonicare provides state-of-the-art sonic technology & dynamic cleaning action.
My objective is to inform & educate parents first because our children learn from our examples. Some of what I’ve mentioned applies to adults, but oral health is important for your entire family. Next, I’d like to give you details about what Sonicare For Kids has to offer you & your kids.
Make sure to download this free app by Philips Sonicare:)
Brushing is #1 in Oral Health care. If you can use good tools (that you can share among siblings with multiple brush heads), you can prevent oral health problems in the future. I hope today’s report was helpful & if you have any questions, Farah Flossit is always here to help!
Thank you for tuning in on today’s Happy “Tooth-Day’s” report!
I look forward to chatting with you all next week!
In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/casasmilespediatricdentistryandorthodontics?pnref=lhc. Instagram http://instagram.com/casasmiles/, Twitter https://twitter.com/casa_smiles, Yelp http://www.yelp.com/biz/casa-smiles-pediatric-dentistry-and-orthodontics-coral-gables & Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/casasmiles/ to hear all about our daily news! You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation http://www.casasmiles.com/contact-us/.
Your Friend,
Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)