Maximize your benefits!

Happy “Tooth-Day”!

Farah Flossit here..singing rain, rain, go away!:)


Are you maximizing your dental insurance benefits?  Did you know that you can save on future dental appointments for your children?  Many dental insurance plans cover sealants for children.  Often times, parents aren’t even aware that they can maximize what their insurance offers by scheduling their kids for sealants.  Sealants are applied as a preventative measure and they will save you lots of additional expenses in the future.  How will sealants save you money?  Well, filling cavities are much more expensive than having sealants done.  Sealants can protect baby teeth and permanent teeth.  As opposed to sealants, fillings for cavities are typically not fully covered & usually have a deductible that has to be met before coverage.

If you don’t know what your insurance covers, now is the time to find out.  You can even ask your Dental Office, as they usually find out when they call to verify you insurance.  Why not use the benefits you are already paying for and in turn, maintain healthy smiles for the entire family.

According to the AAPD, the best way to prevent cavities is to brush each morning & night & floss daily, but sometimes little teeth need a little extra help from dental sealants.  Sealants are thin plastic coatings that prevent food & bacteria from getting stuck in the grooves of back teeth, helping to  avoid cavities.  Many parents might think sealants are only for big teeth, but baby teeth can benefit from sealants too!  Cavities can be common in little teeth, with 6 out of 10 children experiencing a cavity by age 5.  In fact, unrelated cavities in baby teeth can spread & cause decay in other teeth–including permanent teeth.  As mentioned before, remember that dental sealants are most effective with regular brushing, flossing, regular visits to the dentist, & a proper diet.

Another plus to dental sealants is that your visit to the dentist for this type of appointment is, PAINLESS!  It may taste a little funny for just a little while, but with as fun as visiting the dentist can be, getting dental sealants should be a breeze!

Thank you for tuning in on today’s Happy “Tooth-Day’s” report!

I look forward to chatting with you all next week!

In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook Instagram, Twitter, Yelp & Pinterest to hear all about our daily news! You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation

Your Friend,

Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)
