No Dental Vacay or you’ll have Decay!!!
Happy “Tooth-Day”!
Farah Flossit here, wishing you all well!
Summer is fast approaching & vacation from work or school does not mean you can take a vacation from your dental health. As a matter of fact, when vacation is on the horizon, it is easy to step out of your schedules & routines. Today I’d like to share a few pointers on how to keep you smile healthy when traveling or on vacation.
- Visit the Dentist before you depart. You should not put off your visit to the dentist for your check up and cleaning. Planning ahead is half the battle. As soon as you have your travel dates, make your appointment so that you don’t have to rush. Doing this will help prevent any dental issues from ruining your family trip by detecting any issues that need to be treated before you leave. Summertime is a busy time for Dental Offices, so call ahead to get your preferred time & date.
- Put together a dental travel kit. Now-a-days you can find almost anything in travel size. A trip to the store for this can actually be pretty fun! Don’t forget to pack travel-sized mouthwash, floss, and of course a toothbrush. It’s always a good idea to bring an extra disposable toothbrush just in case.
- Toothbrush Care. It is extremely important to keep your toothbrush covered. Extra handling, luggage, & hotel bathrooms provide bacteria extra an opportunity to find its way into your bristles & into your mouth. There are anti-bacterial covers, but ideally, you should take a packaged one that you can dispose of later (unless you have a great travel kit for your Sonicare). Closed covers give a warm, damp place for bacteria to grow, so let your brush dry before you cover it up. In addition, make sure you place your toothbrush far away from the toilet–you don’t want it to fall in or have any bacteria get close when flushing.
- Be mindful of your diet. I’m sure you will all eat more sugary drinks, snacks, & deserts while on your vacation, but when you can, pack some healthy snacks for the family. You can still make some healthy choices in between those “cheat” meals & extra treats. And always keep your oral hygiene habits in place by brushing & flossing at least 2x day!
I hope today’s report gets you looking forward to some good times this summer with your friends & family. Planning can be fun and can also help keep your family have a healthy smile all year round.
Thank you for tuning in on today’s Happy “Tooth-Day’s” report!
I look forward to chatting with you all next week! More travel tips to follow throughout the summer:)
In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook Instagram, Twitter, Yelp & Pinterest to hear all about our daily news! You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation
Your Friend,
Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)