Teen Tips
Happy “Tooth-Day!”
Farah Flossit here, sending you warm greetings!
We often discuss a lot about little ones, but today I thought I’d provide some tips to parents about their teens & how to help them maintain good oral health. As parents you feel good that your children become independent, but teens sometimes fall off the wagon when it comes to taking care of their oral health. In light of this, I’d like to give you some easy ways to keep them motivated.
- Fresh Supplies–A new toothbrush is always nice to find when you go brush your teeth. Periodically supply your teen with a new toothbrush. Ideally, provide them with this treat at a time you know that they might “skip” out on brushing. In addition, keep plenty of toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash handy so that there are no excuses when it comes to asking them if they brushed, rinsed, and flossed.
- Schedule the Orthodontic Consultation–It is recommended that by age 7 you take your child for a consultation with the Orthodontist. One of the many nice things about Casa Smile Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics is that we offer both dentistry & orthodontics. So, when your child is ready, the dentist will refer you directly to our orthodontist. In addition, the consultation is COMPLIMENTARY! As your children grow, so do their facial bones & muscles and it is important to seek the right guidance to your teen’s specific needs. There are many options with respect to obtaining a perfect & most importantly healthy smile. A nice smile boosts self confidence:)
- Make Healthy Choices for THEM–There are a lot of things that you cannot control about your teens, but you buy the food they eat, so if you buy junk food, that’s what they will consume. Keep your fridge and pantry stocked with healthy snacks. When they are hungry, they will raid the kitchen & eat what is available to them.
- Boost Their Confidence— Teens are concerned about how they look and you can benefit from playing to their vanity. Take advantage & tell them how attractive a healthy smile can be. Explain that caring for their teeth is caring about how they look. Fresh breath & a nice smile will encourage them to maintain good oral habits.
- Mouthguard Awareness–Many teens are very active. Make it a point to have a mouthguard made or purchase one for your active teen. This is a topic you can discuss with your orthodontist to make the right choice for your teen.
- Make & Take–It’s still your job to MAKE their regular check up & cleaning appointment and TAKE them! This way you make sure to consult with the dentist yourself to get a full status report on their oral health.
Thank you for tuning in on today’s Happy “Tooth-Day’s” report!
I look forward to chatting with you all next week!
In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/casasmilespediatricdentistryandorthodontics?pnref=lhc. Instagram http://instagram.com/casasmiles/, Twitter https://twitter.com/casa_smiles, Yelp http://www.yelp.com/biz/casa-smiles-pediatric-dentistry-and-orthodontics-coral-gables & Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/casasmiles/ to hear all about our daily news! You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation http://www.casasmiles.com/contact-us/.
Your Friend,
Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)