Happy “Tooth-Day”!
Farah Flossit here, hoping your tummies are still full from your yummy Thanksgiving feast!
Sometimes children lose a primary tooth from decay or injury before a permanent one is ready to come in. This can lead to dental issues down the road. When a tooth is missing, the other teeth shift to fill the gap. This is NOT what you want to happen in your little one’s mouth. This can take up space that permanent teeth would normally occupy when they descend. As a result, permanent teeth come in crooked & crowded. This can affect your child’s speech & ability to chew. Eventually, your child could need orthodontic treatment to correct the problems caused by one missing tooth.
It is not a problem if you lose a primary tooth prematurely as long as you put into place the right solution. The answer is SPACE MAINTAINERS. These are devices that fill the space left by a missing tooth. They are custom fitted to your child’s mouth, & they keep the other primary teeth in place so permanent teeth can come in where they belong. The dentist removes the appliance when the permanent tooth above the missing one is ready to emerge.
There are several different types of space maintainers, available, so be sure to discuss the options with your child’s dentist. Space maintainers can be a band or a temporary crown attached to one side of the open space with a loop or bar contacting the tooth on the other side of the space. They may be made out of plastic or metal.
Your child may have a space maintainer for years, since some permanent teeth don’t emerge until your child is 14 years old. So it’s important to care for it properly. Below are some good tips to keep in mind for children with space maintainers:
- Child should not eat sticky candy or chew gum.
- Make sure the child does not tug, push, or play with space maintainers with their fingers or tongue.
- Keep the appliance clean by helping your child brush & floss regularly.
- Make sure you take your child to visit the dentist at least every 6 months.
- If the space maintainer becomes loose, DO NOT THROW IT AWAY, it is important to schedule an appointment with the dentist right away & BRING THE APPLIANCE IN WITH YOU.
Thank you for tuning in on today’s Happy “Tooth-Day’s” report!
I look forward to chatting with you all next week!
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Your Friend,
Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)