Happy “Tooth-Day”!
Good day to all of my mouth-monster fighting friends, Farah Flossit here:) At Casa Smiles www.casasmiles.com we really try to discuss real issues & topics that affect our daily lives; useful information & actual resources you can access to help you along the way!

Are you frustrated, tired, or just ready to see your baby “ban the binky”? Well, the good news is that I will be giving you some good tips & ideas about how to say goodbye to the binky days by getting creative & really thinking ahead before giving it your best shot.
Up until the age of about 2-4 years of age, most parents are thankful for pacifiers as they help calm & soothe fussy babies. Babies use a pacifier or suck on a thumb for comfort or a feeling of security. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) http://www.aapd.org/ recommends a pacifier over a thumb because they believe that a pacifier habit is easier to break at an earlier age.
Many children will stop sucking on thumbs or pacifiers on their own between 2 & 4 years of age, but frequent pacifier use over a long period of time can affect the way a child’s bite & the growth of the jaw. Intervention is recommended for children beyond the age of 3. The earlier a child can stop, the less chance there is that it will lead to orthodontics problems down the road. So let’s get to how to “ban the binky” before your baby starts looking like this…..LOL

One of the MOST IMPORTANT things to identify is what situations trigger your child’s desire for a pacifier, so that you can be ready to replace it with something that offers comfort or reassurance. You may want to consider a transitional object such as a cuddly doll or favorite stuffed toy. Another idea is to be ready with a fun activity that can help with taking their mind off the desired binky. You MUST offer positive reinforcement and lots of praise when the child neglects their binky! Below are some ideas on how to overcome roadblocks you may encounter on your “bye-bye binky” process.
1. Take your little one & the pacifier to the store to pick out a new toy to “replace” the binky.
2. Throw a “Goodbye Binky” party! Set out the pacifier for the Binky Fairy & much like you would make a birthday list or holiday wish list, have your little one put together a “Pacifier Fairy Wish List”!

3. Make the process into a game. Create a countdown game where you tell the child that over the next 3 weeks Binky will be shrinking. Start by cutting a very small hole in the top of the pacifier & continue to cut a portion off each week until there is no longer anything left for your child to such on. This is a great way to separate your child’s association from someone taking the pacifier away to the pacifier just breaking on its own. At the end, you can tell your child it’s time to bid Binky bye-bye! If you need a visual, you can print the one below or visit http://mouthmonsters.mychildrensteeth.org/

Whether or not you decide to go cold turkey, or choose to go with one of my fun & creative suggestions, be sure to collect all pacifiers around the house. The last thing you need is your little one fining a pacifier the week after he or she gave it up & have to go back to square one.
Below are some helpful links, visuals, products, & resources to help you make this process fun & easy!

Here is an actual Binky fairy dolly!
The Binky Fairy comes with a children’s illustrated story book and interactive Binky Fairy finger puppet and can help children survive the weaning period of giving up their pacifier. Similar to the Tooth Fairy, parents read the adorable story of The Binky Fairy the night before as children look forward to waking up to their Binky Fairy puppet knowing their Binkys were replaced to help other children. The Binky Fairy puppet comes with removable wings and children learn the story of how she became The Binky Fairy by helping children around the world give up their pacifier without the sadness or fuss. Each Binky Fairy comes with a hard back book and also comes with a success chart and stickers. (Winner of the PTPA Awards – See more at: http://www.thumbuddytolove.com/store-2/#!/~/product/category=0&id=20923897 )


Free printables to help make it fun!

Over on our Orthodontics side of our practice http://www.casasmiles.com/orthodontics/, it is really important to educate our patients on how to care for their braces by eating the right foods & being aware of what NOT to eat. Improving your smile is an investment you do not want to ruin or delay. I am going to fill you in on some dos & don’ts & point you to some interesting resources where you can find yummy (healthy) recipes to spruce up your menu during your ortho treatment.
Braces are used to straighten teeth, which not only creates a better appearance, but also prevents tooth decay & other oral health problems. However, braces are ONLY effective when they are properly cared for.
The best foods to eat with braces are those that are not high in sugar and do not require excessive chewing. For breakfast, try eggs, yogurt, bacon, wheat toast, or oatmeal. Lunch may steer toward banana rather than an apple, a salad without nuts, servings of lean proteins such as meats or fish, and a glass of water rather than sugary sodas or juice drinks. For some after-school snacks, you may want to consider baked tortilla chips with salsa & guacamole, or some string cheese with fruit.
As you begin to adjust the alignment of your teeth, they will periodically be tightened to continue the alignment process. After an adjustment visit, your teeth may be sore & sensitive to certain foods. After your ortho appointment, you may want to try some of the suggestions below:
- Pudding
- Mashed potatoes
- Soup
- Ice Cream
- Cottage Cheese
- Peas
- Pancakes
- Pasta
Below are some of the DONT’S:
- Hard Candies
- Gum
- Nuts
- Popcorn
- Certain raw veggies (for example, carrots)
Regardless of what you eat, with braces, KEEPING THEM CLEAN, is most important!! This means brushing & flossing after meals to prevent build-up of plaque & decay.
In my quest for helpful information on this topic, I came across a great site that offers a free collection of braces-friendly recipes! Click on the link below to enjoy & explore:)

We hope your adorable Binky pumpkins can “Ban the Paci” & we hope your adorable metal mouths enjoy some new food options & ideas! I love sharing with all of you & look forward so circling back with you next “Tooth-Day”! If you have any topics or concerns you would like me to discuss, you can leave a comment or contact us http://www.casasmiles.com/contact-us/ to let us know!
In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/casasmilespediatricdentistryandorthodontics?pnref=lhc. Instagram http://instagram.com/casasmiles/, Twitter https://twitter.com/casa_smiles, & Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/casasmiles/ to hear all about our daily news! You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation http://www.casasmiles.com/contact-us/.
Your Friend,
Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)