Maximize your benefits!

Happy “Tooth-Day”!

Farah Flossit here..singing rain, rain, go away!:)


Are you maximizing your dental insurance benefits?  Did you know that you can save on future dental appointments for your children?  Many dental insurance plans cover sealants for children.  Often times, parents aren’t even aware that they can maximize what their insurance offers by scheduling their kids for sealants.  Sealants are applied as a preventative measure and they will save you lots of additional expenses in the future.  How will sealants save you money?  Well, filling cavities are much more expensive than having sealants done.  Sealants can protect baby teeth and permanent teeth.  As opposed to sealants, fillings for cavities are typically not fully covered & usually have a deductible that has to be met before coverage.

If you don’t know what your insurance covers, now is the time to find out.  You can even ask your Dental Office, as they usually find out when they call to verify you insurance.  Why not use the benefits you are already paying for and in turn, maintain healthy smiles for the entire family.

According to the AAPD, the best way to prevent cavities is to brush each morning & night & floss daily, but sometimes little teeth need a little extra help from dental sealants.  Sealants are thin plastic coatings that prevent food & bacteria from getting stuck in the grooves of back teeth, helping to  avoid cavities.  Many parents might think sealants are only for big teeth, but baby teeth can benefit from sealants too!  Cavities can be common in little teeth, with 6 out of 10 children experiencing a cavity by age 5.  In fact, unrelated cavities in baby teeth can spread & cause decay in other teeth–including permanent teeth.  As mentioned before, remember that dental sealants are most effective with regular brushing, flossing, regular visits to the dentist, & a proper diet.

Another plus to dental sealants is that your visit to the dentist for this type of appointment is, PAINLESS!  It may taste a little funny for just a little while, but with as fun as visiting the dentist can be, getting dental sealants should be a breeze!

Thank you for tuning in on today’s Happy “Tooth-Day’s” report!

I look forward to chatting with you all next week!

In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook Instagram, Twitter, Yelp & Pinterest to hear all about our daily news! You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation

Your Friend,

Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)



Not babies anymore!

Happy “Tooth-Day”!

Farah Flossit here, wishing you well!

If your babies aren’t exactly babies anymore, you may be in the presence of an adolescent.  When your little one is entering adolescence, there are many changes & one of them includes oral health.  You want to make sure that your adolescent has a healthy smile consisting of good breath & strong teeth so that they can have good self-esteem.

Did you know that adolescents may be at a greater risk of gum disease?  During puberty, higher levels of progesterone & estrogen cause more blood to circulate through the gums, making them more sensitive to food and plaque.  This can irritate the gums, & cause them to swell, redden, & be tender.  Certain medications, health conditions, or even brushing too aggressively can also put teens at a greater risk for gum disease.  Some girls may even experience a temporary form of “menstruation gingivitis,” swollen, or bleeding gums days before their period.

As a teen, taking care of your gums may be at the bottom your to-do list.  With this in mind moms and dads, re-enforcing good oral hygiene habits is extremely important.  It’s a good idea to remind them how their smile is the first thing their friends will notice about their appearance.  Remember to be a good role model by doing what you preach; brush & floss at least 2x a day for 2 mins.  Take them to their regular check-ups for cleanings & full exam.  Provide healthy snacks to promote good overall health & look out for any signs of dental issues such as bad breath, bleeding, or general oral complaints.

Your adolescent may think that they are all grown up now, but we know that there is still a ways to go to be considered an adult.  As a result, it’s our job as parents to give them the tools to be healthy responsible adults in the future.  Let them learn through your example.  Healthy smiles, happy families:)

Thank you for tuning in on today’s Happy “Tooth-Day’s” report!

I look forward to chatting with you all next week!

In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook Instagram, Twitter, Yelp & Pinterest to hear all about our daily news! You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation

Your Friend,

Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)

Keep Smiling

Brain Food for School

Happy “Tooth-Day”!

Farah Flossit here, hoping you are all having a sunny day!:)

With back to school right around the corner, I’m sure you have all done your supply shopping, but have you thought about brain food?  Learning and keeping the tummies full go hand in hand.  Children who have healthy diets do better in school.  It is hard to concentrate when you are hungry.  The same is true for children with healthy smiles.  Dealing with cavities and painful gums has proven to lower grades in school.  Eating right and good Oral Care also go hand in hand.  Below are some tips to help start off your new school year just right and bright!

  • H2O–Most children do not drink enough water.  Wake your little ones up with a generous glass of water.  Dehydration can cause kids to feel lethargic and irritable.  Therefore, causing unnecessary behaviors and avoidable distractions.  Giving your kids sugary juices and milk can actually make cells more dehydrated.  Encourage heavy water consumption on the way to school and send them with a with a water bottle to keep hydration going during school hours.
  • DONT SKIP BREAKFAST–Children that eat breakfast perform better academically than those who skip out on the first and very important meal of the day.  Breakfast eaters have better concentration and more energy.  Oatmeal for example is a simple and very effective breakfast choice.
  • COMBO PROTEIN AND CARBS (COMPLEX)–Many people don’t realize it, but protein and complex carbs are a match made in heaven.  Together they provide sustained energy and helps with feeling fuller longer.  A good choice would be a whole grain toast with peanut butter!
  • FOLATE FOR THOUGHTS–Folate is a B vitamin used to create memory brain cells.  Leafy greens like spinach and kale are a good source.  If these choices don’t go over too well with your kids, try making meals that disguise the goods such as spinach lasagna or homemade kale chips.
  • DHA-ALL THE WAY–DHA is a mineral that promotes brain function.  It’s needed for kid’s brain development, the same way calcium is needed for bone and teeth development.  Eggs, fish, and sharp cheddar are a good source.

Although it is fun picking out a new backpack, sneakers, and pencil cases, let’s make every effort to help our kiddos succeed.  Creating healthy routines will lay the foundation for the path to success!

Thank you for tuning in on today’s Happy “Tooth-Day’s” report!

I look forward to chatting with you all next week!

In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook Instagram, Twitter, Yelp & Pinterest to hear all about our daily news! You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation

Your Friend,

Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)

say cheese

Let’s set it STRAIGHT!:)

Happy “Tooth-Day”!

Farah Flossit here, wishing you all a great day!:)

I’m always stressing how important Oral Hygiene is, and it is!  But today I would like to remind our readers that Casa Smiles is not only your home for Pediatric Dentistry needs. Casa Smiles is also your home for enhancing your smile at the hand of our wonderful Orthodontist.  As mentioned in the past, a complimentary Orthodontic consultation should take place as early as 7 years old.  This is important so that our specialist can detect any issues early-on or prevent future complications. Our Orthodontist is here to make your smile the best it can be!

Straight teeth not only look good, but they also give you a good bite.  Your upper & lower teeth fit together the way they should, so it’s easier to bite, chew, and speak.  A great smile helps you feel better and more confident.  It can literally change how people see you –at work, school, & your personal life.  It is priceless to learn how much better your smile can really be.

If you recognize any of these signs or concerns in your child by or before age 7, it is time to schedule a consultation:

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • Difficulty chewing or biting
  • Mouth breathing
  • Sucking the thumbs or fingers, or other oral habits
  • Jaws that shift, make sounds, protrude, or are recessed
  • Crowded, misplaced or blocked out teeth
  • Speech difficulty
  • Biting the cheek or biting into the roof of the mouth
  • Protruding teeth
  • Teeth that meet in an abnormal way or don’t meet at all
  • Facial imbalance or asymmetry
  • Grinding or clenching of teeth
  • Inability to comfortably close lips

Orthodontic treatment is often part of a comprehensive dental health care plan.  With good care, including orthodontic treatment when necessary, teeth can last a lifetime. Orthodontic treatment is a smart investment in your family, your smile, as well as your dental, physical, & emotional health.  Everyone one deserves straight teeth & a beautiful smile.  Give your child the gift of confidence and a better smile by scheduling your Orthodontic consolation today!

Thank you for tuning in on today’s Happy “Tooth-Day’s” report!

I look forward to chatting with you all next week!

In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook . Instagram, Twitter, Yelp  & Pinterest to hear all about our daily news! You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation.

Your Friend,

Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)


Make it Taco Tuesday-Healthy Style!

Happy “Tooth-Day”!

Farah Flossit here, feeling the “fiesta” vibe today!:)

Not sure about you, but Mexican is one of my favorite cuisines.  What better day to make it a Mexican night than “Taco Tuesday”?  What is really great about today’s blog is that I have healthy substitutions for everyone.  What I mean by that, is that not only am I making suggestions about how to make your meal healthier and still yummy, but how to make those mommy/daddy beverages (fiesta style) healthier too!

First I will start with the mommy/daddy drinks (just to make the cooking that much more enjoyable)!  How do Mango Margaritas sound?  Let’s dump all of the pre-made syrups and mixes.  If you didn’t know, 1/4 cup of sweet & sour mix has at least 17 grams of sugar!  We can easily by-pass this NO-NO by using full on fruit and no Added sugar.  Here you go:

  • 1 10-ounce bag of frozen diced mango (or if you have a mango tree, cut & freeze them for next Taco Tuesday)
  • 1 cup of tequila
  • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 tablespoon of orange extract
  • 1 tablespoon of Agave
  • 2 cups of crushed ice

*Combine all of the ingredients in the blender until smooth*

Now let’s start cooking!!!

If you are going to have salsa in or out of your tacos, make it from scratch.  This way you know that you are putting in healthy fresh ingredients without any enamel-harming acids.  Use fresh tomatoes, diced green peppers, diced onion, cilantro leaves, and sea salt or kosher salt (measurements vary based on how big of a fiesta you are having).  After making your yummy salsa, don’t forget to set some peppers and onions off to the side for those that want more veggie toppings on their taco.

When I comes to your protein, make the smarter choices.  If you are going with ground meat, you are probably better off going with extra lean ground turkey breast.  If what you are in the mood for is chicken, go with boneless, skinless chicken breast.  If you like veggies, stirring up some mushrooms with olive oil is also a great alternative.  Lastly, if you like fish tacos, fish is usually lower in saturated fat than beef.  When cooking your protein, you may also want to consider using a “low-sodium” taco seasoning with 1/4 cup of water (so that it doesn’t dry out) and of course just a drizzle of olive oil.

When choosing your shell, go with a soft shell.  Crunchy tortillas are usually fried, while soft tortillas are usually baked.  Aim to get the corn tortillas or whole grain instead of the white flour ones.  Another idea for a healthy shell is to make it a lettuce wrapped taco! If you are feeling like you want to go with a “naked” Mexican bowl instead, you can always add quinoa or healthy brown rice with some lettuce and any one of the additional healthy extras.

For the extras, if beans are in order, black beans are definitely the better choice. Refried beans are often prepared with lard.  Using greek yogurt to substitute your must-have sour cream is also a great idea (I bet if you don’t tell the kids, they won’t even know the difference).   If cheese is a must, go with a low-fat cheese, but you’d be surprised how you can go with not missing it if you add more veggies and good fats like AVOCADO.

These are just some of the many healthy substitutions that you can make in order to enjoy your favorite cuisines.  I hope your Taco Tuesday turns out to be a fun and healthy fiesta for all!

Thank you for tuning in on today’s Happy “Tooth-Day’s” report!

I look forward to chatting with you all next week!

In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook Instagram, Twitter, Yelp & Pinterest to hear all about our daily news! You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation

Your Friend,

Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)


What to eat to keep your smile BRIGHT!

Happy “Tooth-Day”!

Farah Flossit here, wishing you a bright day!

Having white teeth is a confidence builder:)  What you eat can actually set you back in whitening your teeth, but there are also things you can eat that will help maintain your pearly whites.  Below are some foods that can compliment your already bright teeth care routine.

  • Strawberries–I actually wouldn’t have expected this one, especially because of its color.  Strawberries, however, contain malice acid, an astringent that removes tooth discoloration on the surface.
  • Crunchy Veggies–Crunchy veggies like celery do wonders for your waistline and your gum line.  These fiber-rich foods stimulate saliva, which helps wash away food debris.  Try switching up celery with broccoli, carrots, or cauliflower–these vegetables deliver many of the same benefits.
  • Dairy–Low fat milk, yogurts, and cheeses are white smile superstars.  In addition to tooth strengthening calcium, dairy contains lactic acid. This acid fights decay and acts as a shield to harmful bacteria.
  • Flax–Flaxseed is reich in Omega-3 fatty acid, the most potent anti-inflammatory nutrient.  Foods that reduce inflammation may protect against gum disease.  Mix flax into muffins or your morning smoothie.
  • Sugarless Gum–Sugarless gum (in moderation) can also help your smile.  Gum promotes saliva production, which rinses your mouth while freshening your breath.  Look for gum with sugar-free sweeteners like xylitol, a natural sweetener that prevents decay-forming bacteria from doing damage.

You can also always inquire about tooth whitening at your dental home office.  Tooth whitening agents aren’t for everyone, so be sure to consult with your dentist.  If you have sensitivity in your teeth or gums, be cautious about what products you use.  Don’t forget to continue with your daily oral hygiene routine to maintain a healthy smile!

Thank you for tuning in on today’s Happy “Tooth-Day’s” report!

I look forward to chatting with you all next week!

In the meantime, you can follow us on Facebook Instagram, Twitter, Yelp & Pinterest to hear all about our daily news! You can always call or email us with any questions, concerns, to make an appointment, or for a complimentary Ortho Consultation

Your Friend,

Farah Flossit (Special Agent Flossit)
